DP Pensions Ltd

SIPPs Professional article – Elaine Turtle: Highlights from the Retirement Outcomes Review

The FCA recently published its final report on the Retirement Outcomes Review which Elaine Turtle, Director at DP Pensions, discusses its interesting ideas to improve the experience of non-advised consumers, but some of the areas could cause difficulties for the SIPP sector.


Don’t let a scammer enjoy your retirement

The FCA have launched a new Scamsmart campaign with The Pensions Regulator (TPR) to raise awareness of pension scams and urging the public to be cautious when approached about their pension.

The new campaign urges consumers to be ScamSmart and to check they are dealing with an authorised firm if they are considering changing their pension arrangements.

Find out more about the campaign here;



FCA tPR pension-scams-leaflet

Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) Further update

The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) that came into force on 1 April 2018 in England and Wales now apply to any new or renewal leases that are granted in respect of commercial property. It is now unlawful for landlords to let premises that have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) with a rating below E without carrying out works to improve the energy efficiency of the building and to bring the EPC rating up to an E or better, unless the landlord obtains an exemption from the local authority. Please read the information carefully and contact your legal or financial adviser if you have any queries.

Update on Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) 2018 – Impact on Leases of Commercial Property Bulletin